

Arthur Williams

梦见与父亲争吵是什么意思? 梦者问道,她对自己与父亲争吵的勇气感到惊讶。 这是一个非常常见的梦,重申了自己需要脱离家庭遗产及其影响,也许还需要找到勇气来澄清自己的立场,表达自己的感受,捍卫自己作为成年人的维度。


See_also: 梦见手镯 梦见手镯 梦见手镯的含义


在这个梦中,我的父亲在别人面前给我难堪,并抚摸我的全身,我第一次梦到对他提高声音,让他尊重我(这在现实中从未发生过)。 谢谢你(R.-罗马)


梦中的父亲代表权威和通过教育传下来的原则。 已经是你梦中的标题; 梦见和父亲吵架 以及随后的图像(例如第一次让自己受到尊重)是一个美丽而清晰的信息,应该被解释为需要将自己从过去以及可能是你的家庭历史和与他的关系中解放出来。


在这种情况下,提高你的声音,意味着试图让 '感觉' 来表达自己的观点,表达自己实际难以做到的事情(以及需要做到的事情)。

这个梦显示了你的家庭背景可能对你产生了影响,使你处于 "在别人面前的困难 ",以及如何解决事情的时候了,到" 痊愈 "所有这些,并为现在的你负责。


See_also: 梦中的火 梦见火是什么意思 Marzia Mazzavillani 版权所有 © 禁止转载。
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Arthur Williams

Jeremy Cruz is an experienced writer, dream analyst, and self-proclaimed dream enthusiast. With a deep passion for exploring the mysterious world of dreams, Jeremy has dedicated his career to unraveling the intricate meanings and symbolism hidden within our sleeping minds. Born and raised in a small town, he developed an early fascination with the bizarre and enigmatic nature of dreams, which eventually led him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a specialization in Dream Analysis. Throughout his academic journey, Jeremy delved into various theories and interpretations of dreams, studying the works of renowned psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Combining his knowledge in psychology with an innate curiosity, he sought to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, understanding dreams as powerful tools for self-discovery and personal growth.Jeremy's blog, Interpretation and Meaning of Dreams, curated under the pseudonym Arthur Williams, is his way of sharing his expertise and insights with a broader audience. Through meticulously crafted articles, he provides readers with comprehensive analysis and explanations of different dream symbols and archetypes, aiming to shed light on the subconscious messages our dreams convey.Recognizing that dreams can be a gateway to understanding our fears, desires, and unresolved emotions, Jeremy encourageshis readers to embrace the rich world of dreaming and to explore their own psyche through dream interpretation. By offering practical tips and techniques, he guides individuals on how to keep a dream journal, enhance dream recall, and unravel the hidden messages behind their nightly journeys.Jeremy Cruz, or rather, Arthur Williams, strives to make dream analysis accessible to all, emphasizing the transformative power that lies within our dreams. Whether you're seeking guidance, inspiration, or simply a glimpse into the enigmatic realm of the subconscious, Jeremy's thought-provoking articles on his blog will undoubtedly leave you with a deeper understanding of your dreams and yourself.