梦中的面包。 梦见面包

 梦中的面包。 梦见面包

Arthur Williams

Table of contents

梦中的面包和现实中的一样,是一种基本的食物,它带来了与安全和养分有关的情感,也带来了可以超越物质的滋养。 但是,面包在梦中是什么样子的呢? 从它引起的形状、气味、味道和欲望中可以看出什么含义?


麵包 在梦中 它与所有基本的、必要的、日常的东西有关,与简单和工作有关,与对物质和精神营养的需求有关,但也与给予、分享、与他人消费时的丰盛和慷慨有关。




麵包 在梦中 是卓越的食物,是所有人的食物,所有人都有权享用。 , 因此,吃它,用手掰开它,把它献给别人,成为满足需求、安全和丰富、希望和慷慨的标志。

See_also: 梦中的栗子 梦见栗子

梦中的面包 可以表明对做梦者来说,什么是基本的价值:经济安全、稳固性、推理,或所爱的人,被认为是必要的人,家庭,孩子。

这之间的关联性 梦中的面包 弗洛伊德特别注意到,当面包的形状像阳具一样拉长或像女人的子宫一样圆润柔软时,他也强调了与性有关的含义。

虽然 梦中面包的象征 在荣格的视野中,它带来了与它的准备和打破它的姿态有关的神圣性和仪式性的方面:一种超越日常和物质的需求的表达。

考虑一下这句话: 人不能只靠面包活着 这是指另一种营养,是指一种""的食物。 精神 "它具有永恒的价值,提供永远的满足。 这就是 永生的圣饼,圣餐的生命之饼,基督的血肉,它可以在梦中出现,提醒我们身体的需要,但也是精神的需要。


梦中的面包的含义 也与它的外观有关:烘烤的程度、发面、新鲜度和或多或少的金色都是影响该符号正面价值的元素。 例如,下面的梦境图像:

See_also: 梦中的厕所 梦见自己在厕所里
  • 梦想着闻到新鲜出炉的面包的味道 ,
  • 梦见吃新鲜面包 ,
  • 梦想着揉捏面包
  • 梦想着烘烤面包、
  • 梦想着烘烤面包

它们为实现一个项目或爱情的希望提供了形状,它们暗指对更高的东西的渴望和一个人的极限的扩展。 相反,它们是对的:

  • 梦见吃东西 干面包或 发霉的 ,
  • 梦见买不到面包 ,
  • 梦见空柜子
  • 梦见收集面包屑

是与某些不愉快的方面有关的图像,与做梦者生活中的某些需要、缺乏或不舒服有关,与无法支持自己或""有关。 滋润'。 他们自己的需要。

梦中的面包 被确认为一个普遍的象征,是生命的滋养和丰富的原型,与日常生活的行动和勤劳有关,但也与信任、希望和灵魂的食物有关。

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Arthur Williams

Jeremy Cruz is an experienced writer, dream analyst, and self-proclaimed dream enthusiast. With a deep passion for exploring the mysterious world of dreams, Jeremy has dedicated his career to unraveling the intricate meanings and symbolism hidden within our sleeping minds. Born and raised in a small town, he developed an early fascination with the bizarre and enigmatic nature of dreams, which eventually led him to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Psychology with a specialization in Dream Analysis. Throughout his academic journey, Jeremy delved into various theories and interpretations of dreams, studying the works of renowned psychologists such as Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. Combining his knowledge in psychology with an innate curiosity, he sought to bridge the gap between science and spirituality, understanding dreams as powerful tools for self-discovery and personal growth.Jeremy's blog, Interpretation and Meaning of Dreams, curated under the pseudonym Arthur Williams, is his way of sharing his expertise and insights with a broader audience. Through meticulously crafted articles, he provides readers with comprehensive analysis and explanations of different dream symbols and archetypes, aiming to shed light on the subconscious messages our dreams convey.Recognizing that dreams can be a gateway to understanding our fears, desires, and unresolved emotions, Jeremy encourageshis readers to embrace the rich world of dreaming and to explore their own psyche through dream interpretation. By offering practical tips and techniques, he guides individuals on how to keep a dream journal, enhance dream recall, and unravel the hidden messages behind their nightly journeys.Jeremy Cruz, or rather, Arthur Williams, strives to make dream analysis accessible to all, emphasizing the transformative power that lies within our dreams. Whether you're seeking guidance, inspiration, or simply a glimpse into the enigmatic realm of the subconscious, Jeremy's thought-provoking articles on his blog will undoubtedly leave you with a deeper understanding of your dreams and yourself.